The moment I saw you, I was won over completely. Here you were finally, the baby I had lost, the baby I had been promised I would raise, and I knew you, and I loved you at once. Now I have turned around and you are four years old. Well Hyrum, here are four things I love about you.
1. Just like with your sister, your daddy had to leave before you turned one. It was very hard for me and Camilla when daddy left the first time, but Heavenly Father knew that daddy would have to leave, and that Camilla and I would have so many needs, and so he sent you. You are the lovingest child, so quick to love me and need me. You filled a void then, and you fill it now. You still climb in my lap, you still think I'm wonderful, you still need me, and I love serving you. Hyrum I love being your mother.
2. You are intigued by the world around you. When you were little I had to have my eye on you constantly or you would run off to explore something (which was usually in the middle of the street). You are amazed by the world around you, amazed by the way things work. Sometimes I look at you and can swear I see the wheels in your head turning. I love how anxious you are to learn and I can't wait to be your kindergarten teacher next year.
3. I love how you can play by yourself. Your sister seems incapable of it, but you could just sit for hours playing by yourself. I like how independent that makes you, and how you don't need other people to be content. You are definitely a product of your father and myself, and I love it!